Wednesday 3 February 2016

Naming Ceremony Recall..!!

                   It's a usual story for an unusual name. And this led me to believe that, "There is chaos in naming". My birthday comes up in February and after my birth there was a procedure for registering name in the hospital. My mother wanted the name "Krishnu" derived from the Lord Krishna. But my father wanted a different name. But I never thought they wanted 'this-much-different' name and then he came up with this name "KEMIL". My father had a childhood Goaniz friend whose name was 'Kemilo' or say 'Camilo', and from that name my name was derived with such complex differentiation and integration. 

                   Fun part is when father went to register this name to the hospital, the in-charge lady officer denied to accept this name! We're living in Gujarat and there are names like "Kavya", "Kusum", "Komal" and "Krishna" etc. for the staff department this was a unique name !
The lady said to my father : "આવું તે કઈ નામ હોતું હશે , આજકાલ ના માં-બાપ ગમે એવા  નામ લઇ ને આવી જાય છે , હજી વાર છે ત્યાં બીજું નામ બદલાવી ને આવો "
English translation : "This is not even a name (Proper name), nowadays parents come up with this type of name, go back and change the name, and come later!!"
                  But my father was confirmed for this name and he returned with the approval. (Yay..!!) In starting my family wasn't ok with the name but now everyone just loves me and my name.
Whenever I have to pronounce my name to some stranger for the first time, I have to repeat the name for at least three times and at the fourth time I speak my spelling like
"My name is KEMIL ..K..E..M..I..L.. KE..MI...L" (Edit : Don't read this with the 'My name is Khan,and I'm not a terrorist" tone )
and then they get that. (at least I guess so). When a new class teacher comes to the class and ask for my name, my whole class repeats the name for me since this has become the daily scenario for me and for those who know my name. But anyway I'm used to of this name scenario and none of my friends call me with my original name! They have a naming dictionary for me, exclusively for me ONLY..!! But will post about that at some other time !

                                                                                           -Kemil Ghoghari

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